Monday, November 28, 2011

Stood Up

it is not often that i am stood up, actually i can't even think of one time.  i have never been stood up by a date, i was not stood up at my wedding (yay!), never stood up by girlfriends for coffee.... but today i was stood up big time!  i was supposed to teach a Pilobolus class for The School of New Technology in Harlem, and not a single student showed up.  It is possible that none of the kids signed up for the program, it is also possible that they forgot.  the worst part was that the principal would not talk to us.  he was locked in his office on the phone and would not come out to give us any type of explanation.  it was really crazy. really speaks highly of the NY Public School System.

and now i am worried about my job for Dec.  I had 15 days of teaching lined up, and if this program falls through... does that mean that my paycheck does also?  or will my contract protect me? who knows!
but today was crazy, and i was looking forward to teaching those rugrats!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


You know you are loved when someone goes out of their way to make you feel really special.  My husband did that for me last weekend.  I had shows in Boston and he surprised me by showing up at the Mexican Restaurant I was eating at after the show.  He walked in with flowers! I yelled, "what are you doing here?!?" He said, "I just really wanted some tacos!"  everybody laughed.  How great is that.  He drove over 4 hours to come and support me in my work, and spend some extra time with me.  He had to leave early Sunday morning, did the drive home alone, and went straight to work all day! crazy! gotta love him!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Fall

Happy Fall everyone.  it was a beautiful, warm Fall day today.  i got to spend 20 minutes outside, and i am grateful for that time! the rest of the day i was in a theater, dancing... also not so bad!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


these are some photos from a recent shoot that I did with my gal Abbey Rosener.  thanks Abbey!

today was a grueling day. i danced my butt off for two hours straight while most everyone else sat on the floor and tried not to fall asleep....

i am also having a dilemma about taking Pilobolus teaching work, or waiting to see if there might be more work for me to do with ms. barton.... but i do not want to assume anything..... ah free lance life!