Monday, August 22, 2011

i disappeared!

Sorry to my huge group of fans! I have been swamped with work and have not written in way too long.  This summer has flown by with performances at The Joyce, trips to LA to be on America's Got Talent, quick visits with family at the Ogden Dunes, and choreographing for Momenta in Oak Park, IL!  Here are some photos from the past few weeks!

LJR and I at a wedding

begging to continue on America's Got Talent

being thrown out by security after my yodeling act...

actual REH at AGT, we did do some work

playing with my cousins at the beach

thanks Diana! these were great!

family dinner

Chicago at Sunset

Momenta Reh

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

so grateful

there are so many things i am grateful for in my life.  i am grateful that my husband and i are both healthy and happy.  i am grateful for cold beer at the end of a long day.  i am grateful to my friends who indulge my creativity by playing with me in dance studios quite often.  i am grateful to Pilobolus for giving me my start and the confidence to keep going.  i am grateful for my new nephew who has so much to look forward to.  i am grateful to all my parents for their love and support over the years.  i am grateful for my plants that keep growing and making new plants! i am grateful for chicken nuggets, friends who loan me their car for the weekend, pretty dresses, lipstick, movies, laughing babies, crowded trains, Cafe Grumpy, Scott J Aveda on 72nd St, new haircuts, farmer's market honey, Alexander McQueen, The New Yorker, puppies, weddings, excuses to celebrate, gorgeous flowers, and THE LIBRARY!! what a treat to take home 23 cd's for FREE! thank you world!!