Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pina Bausch

this morning the hotel breakfast had real coffee mugs.  Such a treat for me to not drink out of something Styrofoam.  I was so happy and now I feel totally ready to dominate the day with full force.  I have a 2 hour ballet class, and about 12 hours of work.  Lots of dancing, which is great because I love to dance! haha, How lucky to do what you really love to do.

Last night we watched the movie about Pina Bausch.  it was so beautiful, and again i am feeling so inspired.  she was such an amazing artist, it makes me want to do big things.  great things.  take more risks.  create art that can really move people... gotta get to work on that.

Friday, October 21, 2011


There is something comforting about a Hershey's milk chocolate bar.  Maybe because I grew up with that specific taste.  It is not good chocolate, I have had much better kinds, but something about it makes me feel about 6 years old again. I feel safe and at ease. Strange the power it has.


today was awesome! all I had to do that was work related was travel for about 45 minutes! yes! then I had the rest of the day to myself.  I went window shopping, saw a movie, did some laundry at the hotel, and then went cosmic bowling with most of the company.  it was a fun day.  i took some great photos and videos at the bowling alley... i will put those up later.
this photo was on the side of a building here in Ogden.  Ogden is a fun town.  it has spice and people seem nice.  back to a full day of work tomorrow.
thanks UT!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

it is late so i will keep it short.

we performed in Logan UT tonight.  i must say that with Pilobolus i was spoiled.  Sold out audiences that give standing O's is not common in modern dance.  i can clearly see that now, what i experienced with Pilobolus was like rock star status.  tonight was hard for me because the audience was very small, and some people left at intermission.  tough reality.  sometimes when art is not easy and accessible to everyone, people leave.  but what can you do?  just keep doing what you love, and try to share it.

keep on dancin!

Monday, October 17, 2011


I want to put pictures up from this tour soon, but i left my chord at home... you know the one that allows my computer to talk with my camera.

so today, started at 7:00 with the good ol alarm clock.  got up and ate some free hotel breakfast, which was actually slammin! i had sausage and eggs and a bagel! what!? and then we went to Utah State University and did a LecDem at 9:30am! woah! slow down cowboy!!  we ran an entire 40 minute dance and it seemed like the 500 students that came really liked it. 

then we had a few hours of reh in a fancy studio that was called a Ballroom.  and after that I had a super lovely break.  I went to a coffee shop and knit an entire scarf for my friend Ben.  He bought all the materials and i made the scarf! it took about 2 hours total I would say.  (now i am going to make another one for my friend Emily!)

then back to the theater for lighting and spacing. 

Day done at 9:30pm...

work out.  live life, do it, done it, good, great!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Touring Again

I am in Logan, UT right now. 

Saturday night was really fun because we got to perform in LIC, and a ton of friends came out to the show.  We premiered a work called Les Chambres de Jacques, and personally i thought it went really well.  the audience seemed to really enjoy the show as well.  i had so much fun, i really love to perform. 

i am also having a really great time with all of the dancers i am working with.  everyone is so great, and so inspiring.  all of the people in my cast are absolutely fantastic dancers.  they make me want to be the best that i can possibly be.  it feels great to be inspired!

today was a long day of travel, flying from JFK to Salt Lake City...especially when you have only had 4 hours of sleep b/c of a show and cast party the night before.  A young girl on our plane had a seizure, but after we landed she was able to walk off by herself and she seemed to be ok.  So, that is good.  I was worried for her.  Once we got to the hotel today, i did not want to do anything.  So i took a bath, fell asleep watching tv, ate some food, and I am going to go to sleep soon.