Question of the day

Jan 1st: What are your goals for 2012?

Oct 18th:  What animal would you be if you could be any animal?

July 29th:
having kids in NYC is: 

A) True
B) False?

June 28th: hot pee smell? or old garbage smell? if you had to pick...

June 4th: What do you do when you are feeling blue?

May 28th:  What dance do you do in your home when no one is looking?

May 22nd:  Do marionettes have to watch what they eat?

May 20th: Would you eat meat that was grown in a lab?

May 19th:  Is glass a fruit?  

May 13th:  If I still had my umbilical chord attached... would you be my friend?

May 8th: Are we sure that skateboarding should be back in style?

May 7th:  Who is the man who rides down Hoyt Avenue South on his bicycle/house/trash pile very late at night?

May 4th: Why is it ok for some people to pee their pants and not others?