Thursday, May 5, 2011

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.... and a subway ride

start with strawberries
 Sometimes when I wake up I have tons of energy.  I use this energy to wake up my darling husband who loves to sleep.  When he finally gets his bones up and moving, he will usually take a shower and I use that time to surprise him with breakfast.  Today, I made us fruit, yogurt, and again with the weird flax seeds that are probably nutritious. (his coffee mug is the grumpy one)
cut up dried fruit that you like, i used apricots and dates

add almonds and dried cranberries, or whatever you fancy

make sure you share the grumpy mug (everyone has bad mornings)
 We love coffee in our house.  LR (my husband) takes his black with just a little sugar.  Mine on the other hand requires milk that has been frothed, a bit of espresso, and a spoonful and a half of sugar.... fancy fancy

 Our milk frother totally rules.  It is a bodum handheld thingy.

 Mustard Yellow enjoying breakfast!
 For lunch I made a lentil salad.  The recipe is from my friend Belinda.  It has green lentils, olive oil, currants, onions, curry... if anyone wants the recipe I will post it.
 Dinner was leftover rice and Mole sauce, and also a bit of lentil salad over greens with a few shrimp.  I hope I am inspiring some new eating ideas! Fairway it good at that for me! (Fairway is the best grocery store in NYC)
And after a lot of time in the kitchen I scrubbed it down.  Cleaning makes me feel good because when everything else in my life is all over the place... at least I know I can scrub the counters and that will be done.  I can see the progress right away... unlike auditioning and job hunting... nothing immediate about that!

I did not stay at home and cook all day.  I went to a meeting at Career Transitions for Dancers... I have a lot of work to do.      
Career Transitions for Dancers
And then I took a ballet class at STEPS, which was fun and the teacher was hilarious today.
I also get yelled at by some random man on the subway, which is unfortunately not rare for me.  Something about my aura invites weird people to speak to me.

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