Thursday, May 19, 2011


There are times that I think about things in my head.  And I only say them out loud to my husband who never judges me.  Well, I have decided not to hold back in this blog and really say how I feel, and tell you all the things I think about.  That is the gooey stuff.  Life Juice....hmmm

Sometimes when I am cutting food with an extremely sharp knife, I imagine that I forgot that the knife is sharp and I lick the food off of the knife.  In my vision, I cut my tongue almost in half.  Scary, I know.

I imagine falling down the stairs any time I have to take stairs.

I imagine getting mugged and thinking about how I would defend myself.  I am always so amazingly strong and quick and clever in those daydreams... I usually dominate my attacker in a superhuman way.  I can fly, then I wrap my legs around their head and twist them to the floor without using my hands.  Then I politely ask for my wallet back.  Maybe I have seen too many movies.

Sometimes, I think about doing socially unacceptable things on the train just to see if anyone cares. Like dance really crazy in a corner by myself.  Or walk around touching everyone's heads.  That would be so awkward... and awesome?

On Monday, I stood in front of Starbucks and I danced.  A weird dance, like aerobics but better.  And I talked to people as they came and left the shop.  I tried to get them to give me elbow-slams.  It was a fun day.  I also jumped in a lot of puddles.

Here is a picture to inspire your next act of randomness...  

Joe with his guitar in Brooklyn



  1. Imagination is a great gift. You may make some people uncomfortable, but others will be drawn to you. You have star quality!!

  2. Yay! I'm so gonna read this every day.
